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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Call...

Conversation between a CSR at a Mobile Company in Caribbean
Agent: (pleasantly) Good-day, how may I assist?
Customer: (in heavy dialect)  Morning Ma'am, I have a problem, can you help me?
Agent: Sure, delighted to assist; please let me know how I can help.
Customer: Ma'am, I was cooking a big pot of Red Pea Soup and I had my cell phone in my bosom (in bra) and I realized that it not in my bosom anymore so I started to look for the phone Ma'am then I think back and the last I had it was over the pot... (pause from customer)
Agent: Hello?  Please do continue, what happened?
Customer: Yes, the peas in the pot was pressuring Ma'am, so I took the pot off the stove Ma'am and I took me long spoon and started stirring the pot to ensure the peas ok and I realize that the phone was pressuring into the pot for 30 minutes.  Now I don’t know what to do, please tell me how you can help me.
Agent: Well the phone may be water damaged, I'm not sure if it will still work my dear, since it was in the pot pressuring for 30 minutes you may need to take to the repair centre, which will be……
Customer: (interjects) Ma'am, don’t care 'bout the phone, that can pass.  Is the Red Pea Soup still good to eat? Don't have any more time to cook a pot of soup again.  Ma'am, do please tell me the soup not can still 'eat'?
Agent: (long pause…mutes the call...dying of laughter)  I’m not sure, perhaps you may confirm with a doctor if it still healthy to eat??
Customer: I eat it, it taste even sweeter so I will try my luck!  Take care, have a good day Ma'am, thanks.
Agent: Sure, you too!  Have a good day.

Source :  PhonePhunnies

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